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RNPS Series - AC Power Strip

RNPS Series - AC Power Strip w/ Outlets Kit
AC Power Strip w/ Outlets Kit
CSF P/N#WidthBay Width
AC Power Strip w/ Outlets Kit - BOM
ItemCSF P/N#DescriptionQTY
1RNPSxx-CoverWire Mold Cover1
2RNPSxx-BaseWire Mold Base1
3WMV2010BWire Mold Blank End Fitting2
4WMS2D30Wire Mold Duplex Strip 30.00" Length1
5WM2001Wire Mold Coupling1
6WMV2006Wire Mold Cover Clip1
7WMW30Wire Mold Pressure Terminal White Connector2
8WMG30Wire Mold Pressure Terminal Green Connector1
9PANJN418Panduit JN418-212 Pressure Connectors3
10W012S1GRNK#12 Sol Green THNN 8.00" w/ Lug1
11PH0400FST12-24 x .25" Length2